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My new and third Coloring Book, indie published

My new self published coloring book, with my illustrations and Cover Design, layout. A wrap around cover. Lots of fun creating this book. Available via Amazon expanded distribution, and my own e-store ebook edition. More online stores within 6-8 weeks.

The book ” Freestyle Mandalas ” is my third Coloring book, and the two previous are Stockholm Urban Mix, and The Eclectic Colouring Book.

I really enjoy creating these books. I have worked as a freelance for several regular publishers creating illustrations and designs for kids books and grown up books. These coloring books been a journey for me personally. I made the first book without knowing it was a trend with coloring books. The second were made during the trend just before the trend faded. And this third was made when the trend now finally halted and a smaller amount of colouring books are being created and coloured. It sure has been a journey.

For me personally and professionally as a professional freelance Illustrator and designer, it’s been about the joy of creating and learning the mechanics of all marketing and practical things behind book making. A journey of learning. Inspring.

From a software wise question, I know people sometimes ask what I used. I have been using CorelDRAW for design, layout and creating the print PDF, and for digitally drawing and image editing used Corel PHOTO-PAINT and Corel PAINTER exclusively

If you appreciate my blog, my art & illustration a coffee support is always welcome, thanks!

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com

Stefan Lindblad

Illustrator and Graphic Designer

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