My drawing of musical genius Dave Stewart
As I sit and work with my own art, illustrations and graphic design for various clients, or for my own sole enjoyment & projects, I often listen to music in the background. And occassionally, I´ve discovered, Dave Stewart have either written or worked together with someone, on the tune. The one I enjoy so much to listen too.

Mick Jagger & Dave Stewart, these two musical geniuses
20 years ago, I listened to his music on the radio, and saw him like many others most probably did, on MTV. These days I´ve discovered that Dave Stewart have worked together with Mick Jagger on the songs played in the movie Alfie. I feel kind of stupid for not checking this up. I just love the music of Mick Jagger and saw it as a Jagger song. And fully knowing that probably someone worked together with him. But still forgot to look further for credits. Which is quite normal I guess.
I just love listening to the soundtrack for the movie Alfie when working. I started to notice the name ”Dave” next to Mick Jaggers on Youtube. And then it hit me, could it be Dave Stewart. And it was. With this discovery I have, via Jagger and Stewart, discovered the music of Jessie Baylin. Just spend a few minutes of your time to listen to the wonderful song ”Counting the days” by Mick Jagger and Dave Stewart. What a song! I am in love with it.
Today, as I sat and enjoyed the music of Jagger & Dave, preparing for a Poster design work, which I am illustrating and designing for a company here in Stockholm, Sweden, I was once again remembered that Dave Stewart had worked on the tune as well. And this time I browsed for Daves new music, I was once again confronted with music by Jessie Baylin. Listen to Dave and Jessie’s wonderful duett: ”God Only Knows You Now”. Simply divine. A beautiful song. It resembles a bit of Leonard Cohen. Perfect music to work to, helping me create the poster my client will hopefully love. So I can send that invoice later on.
New musical dicovery for me, Jessie Baylin
How do you say thank you, when you probably wont ever meet either Dave Stewart, Jessie Baylin or Mick Jagger. Well, if they ever read this blog post: ”Thank you very much for the music. If I met you guys at a café, I would probably have tried to shake your hands and say thank you for the music”. And then I would move on, no worries. I really should do an illustration of Jessie Baylin and Mick Jagger as well.
As I am off to walk my dog Bella, it´s snowing outside. Having the song with Jessie Baylin and Dave Stewart in my head for another minute or two. Wonderful song. If Dave ever see this blog post, hope you enjoyed the drawing I made for this blog article. Have a great day.
Stefan Lindblad
Illustrator, graphic designer, artist
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