Open eyes walk off main neighbourhoods. Discover new. An illustrators website

I walked through the Meat District, here in Stockholm and saw this door. And it gave me some ideas and got me thinking.
Have you walked and roam alone and discovered something. And still keeping the Social Distancing. By walking off the main areas, where others are in larger crowds, it’s easy to discover new things And get new ideas, inspiration and maybe create an image or two.
To explore one neighbourhood is a great way to get the right mood. The right pace. And take time to maybe go back and take another look. Sometimes it comes Infront of you right away, sometimes severely revisits required.
Maybe it’s easier for me who have no lockdown or quarentine rules. We in Sweden are more open during the Corona pandemic. It makes it easier to walk around. To take any opportunity to calmy explore, gaze an area could become a new found love.
My Sketchbook drawings is often with me. Sometimes I draw on site, sometimes afterwards I’m back home. Maybe managed a quick reference photo.
Stefan Lindblad
Illustration, artist