Tip of the month – Save 30% on Corel Painter – great deal!

Every year these days, Corel release a new great version of their great illustration and graphics software. I talk from my own experience as a daily user of the same programs. Working as a professional illustrator and graphic designer I get to take them on a test drive on a daily basis.
Tip! Read the Corel Painter 2019 Reviewer Guide for more in debth info
When it comes to the current latest version Corel Painter 2019 – a new version is around the corner i presume – Corel Painter team really got a lot of things right. Nothing is perfect, but what a great program it is anyway!
If you like to save up on an upgrade or full version price, then this is the time each year to grab your favorite drawing and painting illustration software – Corel Painter.
When I write this its the 19th of january 2019, so in a month or two or something I guess – looking on previous years release dates – a new version is out. So if you intend to save up on the price, now is the time. Go directly to Corel Painter official site is my recommendation. Its safe, its the source and its there instantly when you buy it. Link: Buy Corel Painter.
Stefan Lindblad Artist, Illustrator, graphic designer.