Draw digitally without your computer or smartphone, enjoy coffee and life – Wacom Inkling
Draw digitally without your computer or smartphone, enjoy coffee and life – Wacom Inkling is the product that make it possible for you to grab your favorite sketchbook or paper, to go to your favorite local café, sketch, sip coffee and look at people. Just relax and create. From there you go back to your studio, home, kitchen of office and hook the inkling to your computer, and digitally transfer the drawing you made on real paper/sketchbook, into your favorite program such as Photo-Paint or Coreldraw, or Painter. Simply first save as PSD (unfortunatly not to many file formats to choose from, but Photo-PAint from Corel can take them all anyway).
Here is an article about it,
Wacom E-store http://eu.shop.wacom.eu/Products/Inkling
and a complimentary video from Wacom/youtube.
Enjoy the coffee, sketch and life!
Inkling have been around for a while now, but I got reminded when I tipped about it on a CorelDRAW forum >
Stefan Lindblad
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