New tshirt My mom Superhero
One of my Merch tshirts at Amazon
Available at buy My Mom Superhero, here
Illustratör, Tecknare, Artist & Graphic Artist
Illustratör tecknare baserad i Stockholm. Kunder inom media, tidningar, bokförlag, reklambyråer och övriga företag.
Gör även grafisk form "Graphic Artist" och en del webbdesign uppdrag till småföretag. Håller även onlinekurser i illustration, bildredigering och design. Utnämnd till CorelDRAW Master av Corel Corp i Kanada.
Swedish illustrator & Graphic Artist based in Sweden.
Ask yourself how many times you have been sitting with a badly calibrated screen, colouring an illustration in Corel Photo-Paint, worked for ours, only to see how it comes out to bright or just simply with the wrong colours, especially when you look at it on a paper, or a better desktop screen. For this…
Illustration by Stefan Lindblad, DMC 12, DeLorean car I sketched, drew, this fabulous DMC 12, DeLorean Car yesterday. With my digital wacom pen in Corel Painter. For a webinar I am going to hold. I’ve always loved this car since I saw it the first time, and in the movies with Michael J Fox. He…
The Swedish business magazine, that means ”our” business, called Cap & Design have a new deal going on this fall. They let different designers design each monthly issue of the magazine. They get to make the whole magazine from scratch, and then I mean EVERYTHING. The first issue was in my opinion almost impossible to…
Drawing, illustration I made today, just now, while sitting outside the house, our dog Bella next to me. Having a Caffè Lungo. Ink drawing in my moleskine sketchbook. If you appreciate my blog, my art & illustration a coffee support is always welcome, thanks! Stefan Lindblad Illustrator
I took a stroll up to the Meat District – Slakthusområdet – to sketch and make some drawings. I stopped by this Kiosk in an older building. Stockholm Meat District is a meat business production area, and in Swedish called: ”Slakthusområdet”. In the future basically all meat production businesses will relocate to another are in…
The Swedish international book fair in Gothenburg (Göteborg) opens this september, 24-27. Spain is in focus this year. I will be going there for at least one day visiting, among publishers my own publishers, which I have made covers and illustrations for. To quote the press release on the book fair website: ”The Book Fair…