Illustration teckning Stefan Lindblad, illustratör

Illustrator & Artist
Stefan Lindblad

Canvas Illustration & Design

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More about the artist and how I work

Illustrator & Artist based in Stockholm, Sweden, Europe. I work with visualizing both simple and more complex subject matters with drawing illustrations. As well as vector art and design.

Vaccin., plaster, plåster, pandemi, trafikljus, övergångsställ, människor, kvinna tittar på sin mobil, smartphone. Pojke kille med skissblock
“Go ONE´s own way”, Illustration Stefan Lindblad

In my profession, I get to illustrate and design various scattered subject matters and take on a variety of projects. Everything from small one-man companies to international big corp and various organizations. Be it a topic for a cultural magazine article about computer game companies’ dystopian games with portraits of Donald Trump in the background. Or as a children’s book illustrator design book covers for children and adults. At the same time as I draw portraits for newspaper media of climate activists, and football players, I also illustrate a technical illustration of buildings in cross-sections for construction companies and hardware stores.

I work both on paper and digitally. Drawings, graphic vector illustrations, and mixed media. Likes to use typography and layout for various projects such as posters and logos. Examples: cartoon illustrations > And covers for books and posters >

More on my work

My work can be seen in print and digital media. Such as books, comics, and publishing in many forms. Such as editorial and Life Style articles for magazines, advertising, corporate, technical illustration for Construction companies who build apartment buildings, custom publishing, Storyboard, and so forth.

I love doing my own projects too. Such as Indie Book projects. Both Comics, Graphic Novels and Colouring books.

Check out my portfolio. “Illustration Stil Galleri- Style Gallery” works as a style guide. Check out the sketchbook with drawings >

“Mia at Work”: Illustration av Stefan Lindblad.

Video webinar llustration comissioned by softaware company Corel Alludo and the Finnish School ILONA IT. Read and view more about Ilona It & Corel Painter webinar>

Stefan Lindblad, illustratör, artist, grafisk designer fikar och jobbar

Portfolio galleri selection

Illustratör, Stefan Lindblad, Fokus magasin, The Division, Donald Trump, Corel Painter, Illustration, Digital

Uppdragsgivare | Clients

DETSthlm, Gullers Grupp, Klintberg & Niléhn, SSM Living, Bauhaus, tidningen Kollega, Fokus, Kommunalarbetaren, ROXX.

View more Clients here >

Graphic Novel projekt ASHES

During 2020 between Februari to October 2020 I illustrated and created from farm to table the Graphic Novel “ASHES”. Manuscript written by brittish writer Steven Savile. ASHES was published in a brittish book antholgy years before the graphic novel came out.

More about the artist

Part from illustrating for news, magazines, book publishers, content, and advertising agencies, I also draw, illustrate comics occasionally. For instance the Graphic Novel “ASHES“. Written by Steven Savile and drawn, illustrated, designed by Stefan Lindblad, that is – me!

En man och kvinna på dejt. Hockeymatch. Sitter i en bil. Kör genom skogen och ser stjärnhimmeln. Grafiska romanen Ashes, seriebok. Illustrerad av Stefan Lindblad, illustratör och skriven av författaren Steven Savile.
ASHES, Grafisk Serieroman – Graphic Novel, illustratör Stefan Lindblad. Författare Steven Savile.
En man i taxi bil kör på en gata, omgiven av skyltar
En man på tågstationen, Kista. Teckning, illustratör Stefan Lindblad

Current project, my Indie book: 168 timmar i Stockholm. Graphic Novel witten and illustrated by Stefan Lindblad Read more here >

ASHES – The graphic novel: Steven Savile & Stefan Lindblad

Read more here >