Creating Art for arts sake and not fame

Creating great inspirational art for art’s own sake and not fame or profit, that’s art. But to live and eat and pay your bills you have to see art creation in two parts -one being making a living, otherwise it becoimes a hobby only. Art and economics are both important but it all starts with art without any thoughts of money and fame when you create great inspirational art, those that takes you one step further. That said, good art can still be made while thinking of money and fame simultaniously creating art. If it is competent people involved who know their trade. Life is that way.

This is not about politic views or economic studies.

A really good example when great inspirational art is created, is the song Sugar man, by Rodriguez.

Listen to the song, and the use of sounds, odd sounds and instruments in the middle, are being put together. Build a floating water pattern seemingly from various directions and sources, only to meet in the end – Finished. That song and composition is both true great art and commercially right.

Would the same song been made from pure commercial viewpoint, most probably it would sound different. It would had probably been without those odd sounds. Or cluttered with odd sounds in the wrong place. Or something else. It would had sound soleyly commercial. Like lots of commercial music do. Nothing wrong, just a fact.

It took decades for this particular song and artist to reach success outside South Africa, composed and performed by an American in America not even knowing he made a success in South Africa. But when timing was right, wich could have come way earlier, the success was there.

Same applies to image art of course

Stefan Libdblad
Artist, illustrator and graphic designer.

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