The perfect christmas gift: buy the book & kids will get to eat food in Venezuela!

I recommend the perfect christmas gift, buy the book ”Criollo: A Taste of Venezuela” and kids will get to eat food in Venezuela!

I have bought the book myself.

The book is written & designed buy a great guy, human being I got to meet in Ottawa, Canada, when visiting Corel Corp, in Nov-Dec 2012. Corel is the company that creates CorelDRAW and Corel Painter. Among many other great computer programs.

You can either buy the book printed on paper, or donating and buy a PDF.

”All profits benefit Casa de Maria in Venezuela” as it states at the website made and managed by Fernado himself. Read the blog, check out pictures and the book.

When you buy the book, and pay with your card & paypal account, when logging in, you get to be able to write a not to the author. Great if you like the book signed by the designer-writer of the book.




Stefan Lindblad



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