Brexit: French Ligue 1 could suddenly be a bigger league than EPL…

Brexit: Seems those english will leave us. They will survive. I had voted to remain if I could. Now 5:54 in the morning it say 52% leave. So how will that affect the English Premier league. Will they allow so many foreign players. Maybe they all take the train and he’d for france.

Ligue 1 could suddenly be a bigger league than EPL…

And Zlatan Ibrahimovic who is heading for England, will he get thrown out. Or stopped at the border.

Maybe EPL goes back to Kick and run type of football. Decisions, decisions.

Honestly I had voted remain. And all jokes aside. This could ignite a domino effect. And with more risk for more right wings calling the agenda, what are we heading back to then? Let’s hope all of this goes well. Who believed we would get concentration camps in a european war, after WWII. And then came the Balcan war. Don’t claim a war will erupt in Europe. But EU started as a peace project after the said WWII. The possible Brexit could have been avoided even with this election, if the EU politicians in all EU countries had been more listening in to what their decisions could affect. And set alive. We have all seen how divided EU is between the main part of old western and old eastern Europe. What will the Scots do now. Leave the UK and apply for EU membership? Actually not an impossible thought.

Ps. I met a Serbian guy working here in Sweden. He told me it was very little needed to start a war in the Balcans again. Tention in Bosnia, and Albanians in the area of Serbia, kicking out Serbs. Who outside the Balcans talk about that today.

This can all come out very wrong. Sometimes it takes generations. Sometimes it goes scarily fast.

Stefan Lindblad
Illustrator artist and graphic designer

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