
Drawing of Melbourne from distance in Stockholm
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Drawing of Melbourne from distance in Stockholm

An old friend, Aussie Christopher in Melbourne,  Australia posted a lovely summer photo this particular morning where he is at now. I made a drawing of it Photo Chris took came up on my Facebook. I felt it a nice motif to draw. And so I did. Here it is, a sunny beach walk promenade…

My ink drawing Batman on his Day 80 year celebration
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My ink drawing Batman on his Day 80 year celebration

English below Vem älskar inte Batman. Det är något speciellt med denna Detective. Nu är det 80 årsdagen av Bob Kanes skapelse, och Bill Finger som tydligen även han hedras framgången och vidareutvecklingen av Batman. Frank Miller kom att betyda en hel del för den Batman vi ser idag, även den på film. Som trilogin…

Sketchbook drawings in Stockholm, my neighborhood
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Sketchbook drawings in Stockholm, my neighborhood

I draw and sketch a lot. And one view I see a lot is the view coming back home, driving on highway 73, Nynäsvägen, into Stockholm (Sweden). Here is a drawing I made during breakfast, while watching SVT and CNN news on the TV. Around 7 in the morning. Warming up for today’s client illustration…