Intervjuserien: Intervju med David Milisock President Custom Graphic Technologies Inc

Min intervjuserie fortsätter med David Milisock, Custom Graphics Technology, Lancaster, PA. USA.

Jag intervjuar människor jag lärt känna genom Corels forum på nätet. och som likt mig själv är betatestare av CorelDRAW och PHOTO-PAINT bla. Och några av oss har träffats i verkliga livet. Intervjuerna görs på engelska i original på min engelska blogg. 

David Milisock är den jag personligen vänder mig till och litar fullt på när det gäller färghantering, utöver de direktkontakter jag har med folk på Corel Corporation, som utvecklar CorelDRAW Graphics Suite. David är experter inom färghantering och ICC complience i USA, och har skriver flera böcker i ämnet.

Jag är glad att jag har en direktkontakt med David. Han är inte bara ägare av Custom Graphics Technology, utan som sagt också  författare av böcker och seminarier på temat Colour Management, färghantering och i synnerhet färghantering i CorelDRAW Graphics Suite. Som den betatestare och Corel Advisory Council medlem vi båda är, är det ingen tvekan i min mening att David Milisock haft en viss inverkan på utvecklingen av och implementeringen av färghantering, i form av konsult, rådgivare, när Corel skapade en ny färghanteringsmotorn till CorelDRAW X5 och PHOTO-PAINT X5 (CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5), år 2010. Kanske det enda grafiska programmet som vid tillfället är fullt ”ICC – Complient”. Detta skedde i och med version X5.

Uppdaterat: Gennady Petrov, på Corel är en av de jag hade nöjet att träffa under mitt besök hos Corel i Ottawa, Kanada nov-dec 2012. Gennady skrev en helt utmärkt text: ”The Designer’s Guide to Color Management in CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite X5”. Som är applicerbart även för senare versioner av CorelDRAW, som X6, X7 och framåt. Texten är därför alltid aktuell. Tillsammans med Davids egna böcker, alldeles utmäkt referensmaterial och för att lära sig mer, och mer på djupet om digital färglära, och hur det fungerar i CorelDRAW Graphics Suite. Om man inte vill läsa så detaljerat som Gennady Petrovs text, rekommenderar jag starkt att läsa om färghantering i kapitlen som ingår i programmens ”Guidebook, PDF, digitalt. Samt i bokform för versionerna X5 och X6.

Med denna introduktion välkomnar jag David Milisock till min intervjuserie, med nöje!


Your Name:

David Milisock President Custom Graphic Technologies Inc


Style & type of work you produce?

The answer is complex because I do so much, we offer full print
capabilities, offset, digital and inkjet as well as signs of a wide variety,
cut vinyl, standard poster type, architectural and artistic. Currently my
work is involving quite a bit of project management with all concepts
designed in CorelDRAW X5. Refitting old neon to LED is currently really
active do to the energy savings, so we redesign the electrical systems and
use many varied aerial lift trucks and this work spins off posters, banner
and new channel letter work.

My preferred work is professional level CorelDRAW Graphics Suite support,
specializing in color management, GDI (graphic device Interface) and
Postscript compliant file creation. We provide computers, software and
networking support.

You like myself are a user of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite. What was it that made you discover, and drew you to CorelDRAW Graphics Suite?

That’s easy, Eric Whitmore of Whitmore Printing, I owned a small print shop
and needed a good general purpose graphics program and Eric suggested
CorelDRAW version 4 which was just being released. Eric provided what was
life changing advice, I use CorelDRAW everyday and can’t imagine making a
profit in the graphic industry without it.

What year was it?

Hard to believe that was 1993

Which Programs do you use, Corel and none-Corel programs?

My core 99% use program is CorelDRAW X5, Corel Photo-PAINT X5, then I use Corel Paint Shop Pro, I use Adobe CS5 when I’m forced to, ( however Adobe Acrobat 9 and Distiller 9 with PitStop Pro are a must), Versaworks, Gerber, Flexisign.

Do you use any analogue tools in conjunction with your work?

If you mean design tools I would say only straight edges and cutting tools.

Which year was it you started your business, your work?

I started in graphics in 1975, worked my way to being the production manager of a $5 million dollar a year company and in 1991 started my own business which was the best thing I ever did. Three years of working myself to death but 18 years of great work. The only problem is the boss is an idiot!

Would you recommend CorelDRAW Graphics Suite?

Absolutely, especially if you’re in business to make a profit. If you’re in the sign business and creating work for digital devices., RIP driven or driver based forget using anything else for design.

What, more importantly, made you begin working with the work you do today? After all you could have made a career as a hairdresser or something in that line instead, like any other human being.

It was by accident, my degree is in electronics but after the military and during a recession I took any job I could get and it was at a tin can printing company where playing volleyball at lunch ( I play a full contact version) I spiked the two color pressmen in the face he fell and broke his arm. So instead of a work men’s compensation claim they made me his apprentice, it was fun and the rest is history.


The entrance to Custom Graphics technology in Lancaster, Pensylvania, USA. Photo by David Milisock, 2012.

What is that you like with your work?

Something different everyday and due to the types of projects very complex.

In an interview in the Digital Artist Magazine, who interviewed me a few years back, I was asked what I would like to see in future versions of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite. Is there anything you would like to see?

If we’re talking the near future I would say an increase in speed and stability, full 16 bit image support especially 16 bit LAB color and the removal of the node limit. The removal of the node limit is now required because of the poor quality of the stock clip art on the web and the creation of overly complex brushes and art.

Do you drink coffee or tea in the morning?



What do you think is important to think about running your own business or in your line of work, to think about. Is it discipline or and something else?

I can only speak from a U.S. perspective but I would say first, understand your technology, never over spend, understand people and never do anything complex without consulting your accountant and attorney.

For someone just starting out, what do you think they should think about?

If they really have the fire in their belly for it. Working for yourself is nothing like anyone says, it will be what you make of it. You must be able to take a punch, there will be disappointment as well as success.

Is there any big change in how and what you worked with when you first started out. Have the business changed in any way?

Great question! I reinvent myself every few years, everything has changed and is continuing to change at an even faster pace. The graphics industry in the U.S. has been and in my opinion is being devastated by the poor quality of management today. A reduction in the number of producing companies at a 12% annual rate and in my opinion it is all due to poor management not the diversification of technology. In 1975 a company could afford to make an error and buy a non or less than productive piece of equipment because profit margins were double digit. Now with public companies posting profit margins under 1% and private companies posting single digit (low 3% to 5%) a manager that does not know good from bad will contribute to you death quickly. This is one of the reasons that CorelDRAW is a core part of my company.


Thank you David. Love talking with you as always.
Stefan Lindblad, 
January 2012
Copyright David Milisock & Stefan Lindblad

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